NH GOP Education Agenda: Fire Teachers, Potentially Force School Prayer, Hire Non-Teachers to Teach

The New Hampshire GOP has released its agenda in regard to what it wishes to achieve in its public-school systems. Their plans have been outlined on their own website, with a fair bit of bullet points to sift through, although some specific portions of their agenda are certainly turning eyes.

“Eliminate tenure and institute merit pay”, “Reform the teacher certification process to include participation by individuals outside the standard education paradigm whose experiences will elevate appreciation for knowledge in the classroom”, and “Enable and encourage a momentary silent prayer or reflective silence in the classroom along with the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each school day” are some of the more egregious topics shown within their own agenda.

All of this can be found within NH.GOP.com, and while its true that there are some well meaning objectives within their goals such as “Emphasize marketable skills at the high school and post-secondary levels”, the NH GOP has yet to answer, or provide context for their more potentially nefarious goals. This all comes at a time, when Conservatives at large are becoming increasingly anti-human rights in response to trans individuals, with the guise of their reasoning being that they wish to protect the children. Despite this, no goals regarding saving children from getting gunned down have been mentioned by the NH GOP in their goals, despite it being a more pressing issue for the livlogoods of modern children.


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